Exploit: Misconfiguration
Risk to Business: Severe
Personal information about more than 6,000 potential immigrants applying for refuge from possible torture or political persecution in the U.S. was exposed by ICE in a misconfiguration error. The data breach was first discovered by immigrant advocacy group Human Rights First. After the group reported the problem to ICE the leak was quickly corrected, but not before information about people seeking refuge from countries around the world including China, Iran and Russia was left unprotected and available to anyone for more than five hours. The agency determined that the data had been exposed accidentally as part of a website update. Unfortunately, the availability of the information may have exposed threatened people to danger.
Individual Risk: Severe
In this incident, immigrants’ names, case status, detention locations, and other information was published on a page where ICE regularly publishes detention statistics.
Stress on your Business:
This configuration error exposed very sensitive data and potentially put people at risk of harm.
How Sieve can help:
If you have ever received a data breach notification, it is essential you understand what is at risk and what you can do about it. To learn more about how to protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud or identity theft contact us at 414.238.2110 or at [email protected] and we will provide you with specific tools that protect you from today’s security risks.